
"Bitcoin, that majestic ledger of digital gold, doth halve with every fourth year's passing, weaving cycles as eternal as the stars in heaven. Such rhythm binds the hands of time to the pulse of code, where miners toil not in soil, but in crypts of silicon, seeking fortune's favor beneath the electric sun." — Shakes Pepe

If you don’t get it, look between T & U on your keyboard.

Biweekly Social Highlights


{Full Circle ⭕️} is launching it’s second episode called {The Next Episode}, the other side of the crypto world with innovative and funny stuff. Decentralized Late Night Fun is the KPI

🐰, the social-fi protocol is officially launching it’s V2 on April 29th.

since when they started shit posting on X everyday, I dunno but i enjoy it a lot🛫

since when they started shit posting on X everyday, I dunno but i enjoy it a lot🛫


🍕A banger video, here comes the new pizza, Bon Appétit fam.


🧑‍🌾 ”Engagement farming will be suspended and traced to source” Can we get a definition of engagement farming ?