<aside> 📈 2024-03-02 Update: We’re prioritizing hackathon participants, please apply here notifying you'd like to hack!


Vote here: https://bit.ly/votesocialhack 👈

Project Name Hackers Link 1 Integrations Link 2
Sidechain Gavin Wong, Matthew Liu https://sidechainme.com Base Name Service
d0wnlore d0wnlore https://github.com/d0wnlore/zupass/tree/fix-pwa-ux Zupass https://i.imgur.com/HQ4u9Zw.png
Stickers Market 0xTouYan, 0xshanks https://shorturl.at/jASUV Farcaster Frames, Lens, ZORA, amo ID(Inspiring us) https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-fQDw7N8/2UBe88tTmeY8DFcRSk4XyQ/view?utm_content=DAF-fQDw7N8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor"
Uplift TechieTeee https://github.com/TechieTeee/Uplift Farcaster Frames, Meta
Sola.day Eggy https://zupass.org/#/add-subscription?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zupass.org%2Fgeneric-issuance%2Fapi%2Ffeed%2F102bbffe-4ef7-488f-ba70-0c32fdb0ca0e%2F0
Cookie Clicker Aurora Poppyseed https://github.com/poppyseedDev/clickMe Farcaster Frames, Tako
Meme Dawn Kelly https://warpcast.com/dawnkelly/0x75f9a37f Meme
Every Near Elliot Braem https://every.near.page Livepeer
Near Social Matias, James https://near.social/mattb.near/widget/NearBadger.Pages.Main Lens, Near Social "GitHub: https://github.com/NEARBuilders/nearbadger-verifiers-api

Visualization demo: https://near.social/hack.near/widget/multi.social" | | Verify PCDs | Josh | github.com/joshgarza/zupass | Zupass | | | Balansea | Alex Astrum | https://balansea-alexastrum.vercel.app/ | LivePeer | https://github.com/alexastrum/balansea | | Blockhead | Daryl Yeo | https://blockhead.info | Airstack, Neynar, Zerion API, Farcaster Frames, Nexandria | https://github.com/darrylyeo/blockhead | | PFP Transformer | Yuki Sato | https://github.com/hyde2000/meme-transformer-frames | Neynar, Farcaster Frames, nouns, $DEGEN | "https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-e6wgwl0/ulvOXA2XJESP3OIVcP0_uA/edit " | | ConnectFour | Matthew Jurenka, Daniel Thompson | https://github.com/mattjurenka/connect-four-frame | Farcaster Frames | | | Community Graphs | Leo Glisic, Kyndle Maltz, Cait Chizmar, Jesse Katz | https://mint.communitygraphs.xyz/ | Zupass | | | CMC for web3 profiles | Milos Rujevic | https://github.com/itmilos/Social-Oneness-Day-Hackathon- | Lens, karma3 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrSxPk4YyXe0pxwZbpoQT8rAAm77XQiM/view?usp=sharing |

Join us for the Social Oneness Day Hackathon, a pioneering event that marks the culmination of Edge City's one-week exploration into all things crypto, social and AI.

This event unites builders, researchers, and enthusiasts from the forefront of decentralized social platforms, including Mask Network, Farcaster, Gitcoin, Zerion, Worldcoin, Karma3 Labs, CyberConnect and more. We're gathering at the stunning Invisible City (941 Sante Fe Dr., Denver) venue, offering ample space for co-creation, cold plunges, and networking over coffee.

This is a 6-hour hackathon, and the time is limited. It doesn’t matter that your work is scrappy and raw as long as it shows innovation and good ideas and you’re having fun (that’s the most important part).

There are bounties, mentorships, Zupass Badges and fun demos!


Apply here: https://lu.ma/gyy8walw

Date & Location

<aside> 📽️ The entire day will be streamed through Let's GROW DAO and Unlonely


Hackathon Submission

We will be using Deform to have hackers submit the hackathon projects.


Application Form

Link will be released here after 10 am on the Hackathon day. Shoutout to the Deform team for the support!

Themes & Challenges:

Participants can dive into key areas such as: